Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Prez

We must re-elect President Obama. I don't know how he got elected in 2008. This country is not intelligent enough or unprejudiced enough to elect a man like him. I believe that somehow it was a fluke. I voted for him. A window was opened. An intelligent man in the White House offering hope of change from a world of openly corrupt corporations, openly hypocritical (morally) and corrupt politicians, a world that has offered nothing but petty backlash against his presidency. The Republicans and their juvenile games disgust me. Palin, Bachman, Beck, Boehner, O'Reilly disgust me. The assassination jokes, the racial jokes that I hear in the bar disgust me. President Obama has struggled because his opposition has thrown up every conceivable roadblock in his path. Not for the good of the country; only to defeat him.
If he is not re-elected there is no hope for this country. Republican rule will plunge us into darkness; workers will have no rights, the poor will get poorer, and the rich will amass more wealth and more disdain for those who they consider beneath them.
Help re-elect President Obama. Or move to Switzerland where all the unpatriotic corporations hide to avoid paying their fair share to help dig this country out of its financial ruin.

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