Thursday, March 17, 2011

Getting at the essence

Changed the name of my blog. To get at who I really am. Originally I titled it "my brain is oatmeal." Thought it sounded funny. But that kind of stuff doesn't work for me.
Booze and Blues. That is who I am. Love the booze, love the blues. Discovered both when I was fifteen. That was a big year. Got high and drunk for the first time, got laid for the first time, and discovered The Allman Brothers Band. What a great year. Been trying to duplicate it ever since.
The Beatles blew my mind. Opened me up to my love of music. At the tender age of ten. Then The Stones, The Doors, The Who, Hendrix, Joplin, Santana and on and on and on. I was ecstatic. Music was, and still is, everything to me. Then, in 1969, I stumble across The Allman Brothers Band. I was already out of my mind over music but ABB blasted me into another existence. Better than sex. I wish I could remember how I discovered them, actually visualize the first moment, but I can't.
Once I got over the initial infatuation I began to study the music. Noticed a lot of the songs were written by other people. Willie Dixon, Muddy Waters, Howling Wolf. Who the hell were these people? Old blues dudes. I found another world. I have been happy there ever since.
Booze and Blues. Sums it all up for me. That's not all that I am about. I am a complex human filled with inspiration, vibration, creation and emancipation (I'm still working on that one). I have deep and personal loves and interests and I plan to live for 187 years so I can fully enjoy them all. But that's a story for another time and place.
For now, Booze and Blues is a good place to start.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I found you on Google with ease today.

I thought I would write and say "Hi" so you won't feel so all alone.

Others will find you soon too.

Once the word gets out that you have this blog I thing the numbers will increase quic
